How to have a cheap DIY Bachelorette Party

Posted By poledancer on Mar 1, 2012 |

After teaching pole dance for the past seven years I have seen “yay” and “fail” (and oh, so fail…) bachelorette party ideas.

In this post I would like to focus on some ways to save money on your party night and weekend.

Ask the bachelorette what her “must haves” are. It’s her party, after all. Maybe she has always dreamed of riding a roller coaster with her friends on her night, pole dancing, doing a scavenger hunt in Vegas (or San Diego, whatever). But find out what she REALLY wants & plan around that. Maybe you won’t even need to leave town. Maybe she wants to combine the bachelor/ette parties?

Go over the guest list. Take a hard look at the guest list with the bachelorette and compare it with her must haves. If she has her heart set on a makeup lesson/application, cocktails & night out for example do you have some guests who may not be attending all of it? Great Aunt Edith may enjoy the pedicure party but not the male strippers later. Of course, leave the option to Edith but if you have multiple activities planned ask the guests what if all they will be attending. Also, be sensitive that some  gals’ husbands or boyfriends may cause drama if you are headed out to get down with some oiled up muscle heads. No use in buying tickets and having the married mommies parting ways with the party at 9pm.

What can you do yourself?

  • Does the bachelorette want a beauty day? Give each other pedicures, hire one beauty specialist to give a “lesson” where she does the bride and you each perform the service on each other.


  • Does someone have a house you can have a pool party or BBQ at in the afternoon?  Also great for the coed events.
  • DIY photo session in everyones outfits. Stage an area by removing clutter and adding a cute backdrop & lights. Get hot photos of everyone.
  • If you are combining the bachelorette & bachelor party (not everyone thinks their future spouse getting rubbed on by naked strangers right before their wedding is cool) you can promote fidelity AND sexiness by getting a pole for the party. The ladies can have fun trying it out while their guys look on and everyone saves money in cover charges.  Check out youtube for some how to videos.

Save money on events & professionals

  • Check out special promotions at local places. Ladies night dollar drinks, ladies get in free, a bar with a free band, etc.  As soon as you let everyone know you are a bachelorette party they will want to upcharge you. Just show up OR call the week ahead and ask if you can get a free table if you are bringing say 15 ladies.  (Count Aunt Edith if you need to!).
  • Pregame. Have a few drinks BEFORE you head out as long as you have a driver. Don’t skimp on this. And don’t ask one of the ladies to do it, thats bad manners unless someone already doesn’t drink and is asking for trouble. Have dinner as a potluck or buffet at someones house before you go.
  • Does anyone in the party have a skill or talent you can “volunteer”? A yoga instructor, pastry chef, bartender. Ask for help!
  • Find out if the local pole dance instructor will come to the home for a lap or pole dance lesson. I used to do this all the time. I still do sometimes, but I did find it often hard to figure out a suitable place to setup my pole at peoples houses. Now I encourage ladies to stick to lap dance lessons at home which is still super fun. If you do want the pole make sure you are able to clear enough room for setup.

Other tips

  • Share hotel rooms or rent a condo for a slumber party style weekend out of town.
  • Pick your group souvenirs carefully. I have seen some groups decide they are going to get outfits made up with custom printed booty shorts, tanks, tiaras, etc.  You will likely never again wear a tank top with “Susies Stripper Lesson Bachelorette Weekend” on it. And there is always going to be one or two ladies who are pissed about squeezing into those booty shorts. If you want to match suggest everyone wearing the same color and then getting tiaras,  mardi gras beads, garters, etc.
  • Everyone leaves behind the custom pilsner you get for the bachelorette to drink out of.

Whatever you do have fun and take lots of photos. Dont let drama spoil the night and relax!




Get a pole for your party

Bachelorette Party decorations & accessories

Beauty Party Professionals and


Open Class September 10th 3pm! Bachelorettes, groups, or individual ladies welcome but you must preregister.